MapAnt ee is a big orienteering map style map covering Estomia. It was automatically generated based on the publically available laser scanning data and topographic maps from the Estonian Land Board. The goal was to produce as orientering map like map as we could automatically do using Estonian Land Board open data.
This is a beta release. There are holes in the coverage, bugs in rendering, and errors in data. Even though it's not perfect yet, it's still usable in many parts of the country.
The map is based on open data by Estonian Land Board. It is combination of two datasets, LiDAR data and Basic map. LiDAR files were processed with Karttapullautin and the result is merged together with raster Basic map tif files. Some of the Basic map elemets are re-colored to make the final map look and feel more like an orienteering map.
This map and services are results of the collaboration and work of several individuals, groups and organizations. To mention some: Karttapullautin developers (this would not have happenned now 2024 without the new fast rusty version of KP), Timo Sild (general coordination of the project, getting reference O maps and coordinating all Estonian), Jarkko Ryyppö (the actual data crunching with his home laptop) and of course Estonian Land Board (excellent open data and easy access to files). And Stefan Kinell for providing server/service so we could actually publish this.
WMS address:
Projection is EPSG:3301
No other projections or WMTS service available at the moment.
The map is based on open data by Estonian Land Board. Estonian Land Board Open data license.
The license for "MapAnt ee" (Beta) maps is not decided yet, but you can watch, browese, print or publish parts of it freely.
Note, this is a free service running on a cheap server. We give no guarantee or assurance whatsoever regarding the uptime, functionality, or data quality of MapAnt. Use it at your own risk. Service address/URLs may chance anytime in near future as service may move to an other server/host.
Do not trespass. Do not enter land without permission. A property being mapped here does not mean you have permisson to access the property. Always make sure first you have permission to enter a properly before doing so.